Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Public Software Availability

The UITS Stat/Math Center makes various statistical, mathematical, and Geographic Information Systems software packages available on STC labs and central shared computing systems at IUB and IUPUI. We support various software manuals through libraries.

IU Bloomington
STC Labs Central Systems
Windows Macintosh Quarry
Amos ✔ - -
ArcGIS Desktop ✔ - -
ArcGIS Tutorial Data ✔ - -
ArcInfo Workstation ✔ - -
Cartalinx ✔a - -
ESRI Data and Maps ✔ - -
EViews ✔ - -
GAUSS - - ✔
Google Earth ✔ - -
Google Sketch Up ✔ - -
Geometer's SketchPad ✔ ✔ -
HLM ✔ - -
IDSP Download Tool ✔ - -
IDRISI Taiga ✔ - -
LIMDEP ✔ - -
LISREL ✔ - ✔
Maple ✔ ✔ ✔
Mathematica ✔ ✔ ✔
MATLAB ✔ ✔ ✔
Minitab ✔ - -
Mplus ✔ - -
R ✔ ✔ ✔
RATS ✔ - ✔
SAS ✔ - ✔
SPSS ✔ - -
Stata ✔ - ✔
Stat/Transfer ✔ - ✔
S-Plus - - ✔
Only SB221.
STC Labs Central Systems
Windows Macintosh Quarry
Amos ✔ - -
ArcGIS Desktop ✔ - -
ArcGIS Tutorial Data ✔ - -
GAUSS - - ✔
Geometer's SketchPad ✔ ✔ -
Google Earth ✔ - -
HLM ✔ - -
IDSP Download Tool ✔ - -
LISREL ✔ - ✔
Maple ✔ ✔ ✔
Mathematica ✔ ✔ ✔
MATLAB ✔ - ✔
Minitab ✔ - -
R ✔ - ✔
RATS - - ✔
SAS ✔ - ✔
SPSS ✔ - -
Stata ✔ - ✔
Stat/Transfer ✔ - ✔
S-Plus - - ✔