Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Problem Solving Environments Projects, Products, Applications and Tools


CUMULVS (Collaborative User Migration, User Library for Visualization and Steering) is a software infrastructure for the development of collaborative environments. It supports interactive visualization and remote computational steering of distributed applications by multiple collaborators, and provides a mechanism for constructing fault-tolerant, migrating applications in heterogeneous distributed computing environments. CUMULVS lets the engineer/scientist concentrate on the problem solving rather than the computer issues.
Diffpack The goal of this project is to develop a fully object-oriented framework for solution of partial differential equations. The first release of Diffpack is now available. A new public release of Diffpack is in progress and will be available 'some time' after the summer.
EDSS The Environmental Decision Support System (EDSS) is a problem solving environment that provides an advanced modeling and analysis system for environmental scientists, engineers, policy makers, and educators. EDSS's design goals include allowing modelers to incorporate new science with minimal effort, providing flexibility to model diverse issues and scales, helping decision makers reliably generate and understand more information with less effort, and contributing to a community modeling and analysis system. To achieve these goals, EDSS includes a paradigm, components, and tools for building air quality models from interchangeable components; data analysis and manipulation tools; an extremely fast emissions processing package; a graphical computation manager; and an experimental optimization-based strategy development tool.
ELLPACK is a very high level, portable system for solving elliptic boundary value problems.The ELLPACK language is an easy-to-learn extension of Fortran.
Elias Houstis and John R. Rice,
ELSO We are developing an environment (ELSO) for large scale optimization problems that only requires the user to provide code to evaluate a partially separable function. This novel approach eliminates the need to provide the gradient and sparsity pattern.
Jorge Moré,
FlexPDE is a flexible and powerful general purpose software system for obtaining numerical solutions to the coupled sets of partial differential equation involving two space dimensions plus time.
PDE Solutions Inc,
HiQ is a technical computing environment where you build interactive notebooks for ActiveMath and data visualization applications. HiQ integrates math user interface controls, numerical analysis, matrix computation, and graphics into one environment where problems and solutions are expressed in a scripting language built for mathematics.
National Instruments,
KBF The Kalman Filter Visual Interface Pack provides a visual oriented interface for Kalman filter design and analysis. The KBF interface simplifies filter and smoother design by dividing the design process into simple steps which are automated by the windowing system.
Beau Paisley, Harmonic Software Inc,
LSA: The Linear System Analyzer is a problem solving environment (PSE) for solving large, sparse, unstructured linear systms of equations which occur in computational science and engineering problems. The components currently in the LSA include I/O, filters, and solvers. The LSA usage model is a visual programming, data flow model with matrix input files either in the Matrix Market or Harwell/Boeing format. Randel Brambley.
MathViews (from the MathWizards ) is a comprehensive, easy-to-use, fully interactive, math interpreter. It provides easy access to: matrix and linear algebra, digital signal processing, instrument control, image processing, time series analysis, data visualization and waveform display and editing. It is highly compatible with the matlab syntax but offers several features not available in Matlab : integrated development environment with built-in debugger, AutoAssign, separate input, output and program windows.
MATLAB is a technical computing environment for high-performance numeric computation and visualization. MATLAB integrates numerical analysis, matrix computation, signal processing, and graphics in an easy-to-use environment where problems and solutions are expressed just as they are written mathematically - without traditional programming.
MathWorks, Inc,
MATRIXx The MATRIXx product family is a complete solution for graphical modeling and simulation, analysis, automatic code generation, testing and implementation for any control system. Integrated Systems Inc,
NetSolve is a client-server application that enables users to solve complex scientific problem remotely by providing access to hardware and software computational resources distributed across a network. NetSolve searches for resources on a network, chooses the best one available, and using retry for fault-tolerance solves a problem, and returns the answers to the user. Goals of the NetSolve project include 1)ease-of-use, 2) efficient use of resources, and 3) the ability to integrate arbitrary software components as resources. Interfaces to Fortran, C, Matlab, and Java enable users to access and use NetSolve more easily.
Henri Casonova and Jack Dongarra,
NPAC Site Slides of a talk about Problem Solving Environments from Simulation, Medicine and Defense using the Web. PSE requirements are contrasted for four areas: healthcare, defense, distance eduction, and computational science and engineering.
Geoffrey Fox and Wojtek Furmanski
Octave is a high-level language, primarily intended for numerical computations. It provides a convenient command line interface for solving linear and nonlinear problems numerically. Octave was originally intended to be companion software for an undergraduate-level textbook on chemical reactor design being written by James B. Rawlings of the University of Wisconsin and John G. Ekerdt of the University of Texas. The math department at the University of Texas has been using it for teaching differential equations and linear algebra.
John W. Eaton,
O-Matrix is an interactive analysis and visualization environment. O-Matrix provides a broad range of plotting capabilities, an integrated matrix language, and RAD development tools for scientific, engineering, and mathematics applications. Download a free Light version of O-Matrix from the Harmonic home page.
Beau Paisley, Harmonic Software Inc,
PARADIFE is a Problem Solving Environment for Partial Differential Equation Problems in two and three dimensions. The basic modules of the system include GUIs, graphical automatic mappers and decomposers, visualization tools and selected parallel libraries. It also incorporates the most recent developments in portable parallel programming.
FIRST Informatics, Patras, Greece
PDELab is a unified, interactive system which provides a framework for building PDE Problem Solving Environments. The components are the editors, tools and libraries which are used to define, solve and analyze PDE-based applications.
Elias Houstis and John R. Rice,
PDEase solves PDEs numerically by finite elements and is unique in five ways: (1) Flexible: It solves a very wide range of nonlinear systems (2) Friendly: remarkably simple input, (3) Automated, (4) Preprocessing: Uses Macsyma for complicated equations or curvilinear coordinates, (5) Notebooks: With the PC version you can create documents with MS-Windows.
Richard Petti,
PDE2D is the "sequel" to IMSL's PDE/PROTRAN. It solves general nonlinear, time-dependent, steady-state and eigenvalue systems of PDEs, in general two-dimensional regions and in three-dimensional boxes. It has an interactive user interface and extensive graphical output capabilities. PDE2D uses up to 4th degree isoparametric triangular finite elements or tri-cubic Hermite elements, and adaptive refinement.
Granville Sewell,
PDESOL solves 1-D systems of partial and ordinary differential equations, with minimal effort to specify, solve, and visualize the solution. Its power and flexibility come from the methods in the books by W. E. Schiesser. Numerica.
PDESolve allows descriptions of the PDE and its solution method at the level of differential operators and their discretization methods. It deals with complex geometries, vector functions and operators, and multiple coupled equations.
Beam Technologies, Inc,
//ELLPACK is a problem solving and development environment for PDE-based applications on multi-computer platforms. The open architecture is designed in five layers: an interactive graphical interface, a high level language interface, a fortran interface, an execution environment, and a PDE system solver library repository.
Elias Houstis and John R. Rice,
PSEWare is a "Toolkit for Building PSEs". This is a multi-institutional, multidisciplinary research project on PSEs focused on symbolic computation, user interfaces and collaborative technologies for parallel object-oriented programming.
Randy Brambley and Dennis Gannon,
RLAB is an interactive, interpreted scientific programming environment. It supports a very high level language which is intended for fast prototyping and program development, as well as easy data visualization and processing. RLAB is "Matlab-like", building upon the features of the Matlab language and providing improved language syntax and semantics. The improved syntax allows more expressions and reduced ambiguities; improved variable scoping facilitates creation of larger programs and program libraries. A heterogeneous associative array has been added to allow users to create and operate on arbitrary data structures. Rlab is copyrighted with the GNU General Public License, and is free (in the GNU sense) for all to use
Ian Searle,
SciComp is a developer of automatic software synthesis tools. Our current focus is on complex applications involving mathematical modeling. We provide tools that enable users to generate scientific computing codes without the laborious and error-prone manual programming process. Designers need only describe the equations they are trying to solve, the variables over which they want to see solutions, and the interfaces to inputs (e.g., meshing routines), outputs (e.g., visualization packages) and data analysis components. Our products then produce codes in languages such as Fortran, C or Fortran90 that are optimized for the specific application and target machines.
Elaine Kant and Stanly Steinberg,
SCI-group The Scientific Computing and Imaging (SCI) group has projects in geometric modeling, numerical analysis, parallel computing, and scientific visualization. The first PSE is SCIRun which allows the interactive construction, debugging and steering of large scale scientific computations. One can design and modify simulations interactively via a dataflow programming model. SWIG is a tool for quickly integrating collections of C/C++ functions with interfaces defined using Tcl/Tk, Perl, Python, and Guile. SWIG is simple and well suited for integrating simulation, data analysis, and visualization components into a single package.
Chris Johnson,
STATISTICA is an integrated statistical data analysis, graphics and data base management system with a wide selection of specialized modules (e.g., for social scientists, biomedical researchers and engineers). STATISTICA is one of the most widely used and available statistical PSEs.


BioSoftlab is a virtual laboratory that encompasses all research activities occuring in the scientific laboratory environment, both "wet" (experimental) and "dry" (simulation). It is a software layer above the experimental and computational processes which exist in the physical laboratory side by side. The virtual laboratory attempts to bring these two models of scientific research together in a way that allows them to interact with each other, so that feedback from one can enhance and improve the methodologies applied in the other.
Elias Houstis and John R. Rice,
Geodes Elements Engineering/Scientific Workspace is a problem-formulating and solving tool that is very useful to mathematics, engineering, statistics, and computer science. Elements implements representations of multidimensional, recursive, deforming geometry, geodesic computation, plotting, and 3D visualization. Geodes is the Netlib program.
Elements Research,
Checking Intelligent Material Design We are collaborating to develop parallel adaptive methods for solving the Local Density Approximation to the Time-dependent Schroedinger equation. Such ``computational alchemy'' simulations show promise in expanding the predictive capabilities for modeling technologically important chemical processes.
Scott B. Bade,


Cogito This project facilitates software production for applications in advanced scientific computing by making it possible to write codes on a high level of abstraction. The focus is on methods for solving time-dependent PDE problems. Included are (a) object-oriented tools for Fortran and C++, and (b) methods for automatic parallelization of computational methods in this area.
Michael Thune,
Cristall Best Value Solver This is a numerical software package with the usability of a spreadsheet and the versatility of a math package.
Tony Diserens,
Guide to Available Mathematical Software is a cross-index and virtual repository of mathematical and statistical software components of use in computational science and engineering. This service is a product of NIST work on methodology and tools to improve access to reusable computer software available for use in mathematical modeling and statistical analysis. Includes HotGAMS! , a new Java-enabled browser.
Ronald Boisvert,
Linux See how wonderful the Linux environment is for scientific applications. Most people will be amazed by the power and usefulness of these software. Included are the URL, version, released date of the packages in this list such that you have an idea of how offen a package is maintained.
Scientific Software: Mohit Tawarmalani,
MATCOM is a Matlab(R) to C++ compiler and a matrix library. The translator creates C++ code from Matlab code which is compiled by the project manger into an executable.
MathTools Support,
MatheMatrix MatheMatrix, Inc. provides high performance In and Out-Of-Core, Dense, Direct Solve matrix algebra Fortran libraries for both Real Skyline and Complex Full matrices. Simulations may also be solved orders of magnitude faster than LAPACK. Available for various Unix based workstations, clusters/farms, MPP's, and Cray YMP's.
MENUS-PGG Mapping Environment for Numerical Unstructured & Structures - Parallel Grid Generation MENUS-PGG is a problem solving environment (PSE) for developing parallel algorithms that generate structured and unstructured static and adaptive grids (or meshes) required for the implementation of scalable parallel partial differential equation (PDE) solvers based on domain decomposition methods. MENUS-PGG generates and maintains grids on the processors of parallel/distributed systems and combines the most valuable aspects of the data parallel programming model with the flexibility of the task parallel programming model.
Nikos Chrisochoides, Geoffrey Fox, Joe Thompson
NEOS Optimization in the real world - how practical problems are formulated as optimization problems. Information on software packages from the book by Mori and Wright, updated for the NEOS Guide. Optimization Software Guide (Jorge J. Mori and Stephen J. Wright, SIAM Publications, 1993).
Jorge J. Moré and Stephen J. Wright,
Oxford Parallel Applications Centre University of Oxford Parallel Applications Centre. Oxford Parallel is pioneering a simple but highly effective new approach to the programming of parallel computers. A BSP Programming Environment.
PETSc PETSc, the Portable, Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation is a large suite of data structures and routines for both uni- and parallel-processor numerical solution of large-scale scientific problems modeled by partial differential equations, using implicit discretization methods. PETSc 2.0 is fully usable from Fortran, C/C++, and runs on most machines.
S. Balay, W. Gropp, L. Curfman McInnes, B. Smith,
SSEC Visualization The Visualization Project at the Space Science and Engineering Center (SSEC) of the University of Wisconsin-Madison focuses on making advanced visualization techniques useful to Earth scientists in their daily work. The VisAD system enables scientists to interactively steer and visualize their computations. Mesa is a 3-D graphics library with an API which is very similar to that of OpenGL. This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License.
Bill Hibbard and Brian Paul,


Macsyma Macsyma is a comprehensive symbolic, numerical and graphical math software system which is renowned for mathematical power, exceptional ease of use, and attractive scientific notebooks. It has the MathTips(tm) Advisor, hypertext descriptions, command templates, and 1,000 executable demonstrations.

Maple Maple V is a powerful mathematical problem-solving and visualization system used world-wide in education, research, and industry. Its principal strength is its symbolic problem solving algorithms. Unlike conventional math software, which can only work with floating-point numbers, Maple V can solve problems involving formal mathematical definitions and return answers as mathematical objects.

Waterloo Maple Inc,
Mathematica Mathematica has revolutionized the way people work and learn.
Symbolic Net Symbolic Net = Symbolic Mathematical Computation Information Center. This document is a starting point for discovering information about Symbolic and Algebraic Computation (SAC), also known as Computer Algebra (CA). It is maintained by Kent State University, but it links to information supplied and updated by individuals and cooperating sites.
Paul Wang,