Saturday, July 30, 2011

Installing Savonet/Liquidsoap

There are several ways to install liquidsoap, either compiled from source, or using a package available for your distribution.

Installing from source

You can download source code published by Savonet in our sourceforge download section.
The recommended way for newcomers is to use the liquidsoap-full-xxx.tar.gz tarball. This tarball includes all required OCaml bindings and allows you to compile and install liquidsoap in a single configuremake and make install procedure. You will still need the corresponding C libraries and their developement files, though.
You will then have to build the source.

Debian/Ubuntu packages

Liquidsoap is included in Debian and Ubuntu distributions:
Starting with package version 1.0.0~beta2.1-3, official Debian and Ubuntu packages can dynamically load the MP3 and AAC+ encoders without the need to recompile the software to enable these features!
In order to activate them, you can either compile and install ocaml-lame and ocamlaacplus or, more simply, install the liblame-ocaml-dynlink and libaacplus-ocaml-dynlink packages available from Debian Multimedia.
We also maintain custom packages for liquidsoap:
Disclaimer: custom packages are currently outdated. We are looking for constributors to help bringing them back!
The daily packages are mostly aimed toward developers.


A package for Arch Linux users is available from the distribution, see the ArchLinux Liquidsoap package page

Native Windows Binary.

A native windows binary is available in our download section. See this page for more information concerning this port and how it is built.

Cygwin (Windows)

Liquidsoap is available as a Cygwin port, thanks to the Cywin Ports project ! You can get instructions on how to install Cygwin ports on their website:
This port allows you to compile a liquidsoap binary running on windows systems and using the (great) Cygwin unix environement for windows.

Mac OS X

You can download and build liquidsoap using either


Liquidsoap is available in FreeBSD using the port system.