Saturday, July 30, 2011

Installing Savonet/Liquidsoap

There are several ways to install liquidsoap, either compiled from source, or using a package available for your distribution.

Installing from source

You can download source code published by Savonet in our sourceforge download section.
The recommended way for newcomers is to use the liquidsoap-full-xxx.tar.gz tarball. This tarball includes all required OCaml bindings and allows you to compile and install liquidsoap in a single configuremake and make install procedure. You will still need the corresponding C libraries and their developement files, though.
You will then have to build the source.

Debian/Ubuntu packages

Liquidsoap is included in Debian and Ubuntu distributions:
Starting with package version 1.0.0~beta2.1-3, official Debian and Ubuntu packages can dynamically load the MP3 and AAC+ encoders without the need to recompile the software to enable these features!
In order to activate them, you can either compile and install ocaml-lame and ocamlaacplus or, more simply, install the liblame-ocaml-dynlink and libaacplus-ocaml-dynlink packages available from Debian Multimedia.
We also maintain custom packages for liquidsoap:
Disclaimer: custom packages are currently outdated. We are looking for constributors to help bringing them back!
The daily packages are mostly aimed toward developers.


A package for Arch Linux users is available from the distribution, see the ArchLinux Liquidsoap package page

Native Windows Binary.

A native windows binary is available in our download section. See this page for more information concerning this port and how it is built.

Cygwin (Windows)

Liquidsoap is available as a Cygwin port, thanks to the Cywin Ports project ! You can get instructions on how to install Cygwin ports on their website:
This port allows you to compile a liquidsoap binary running on windows systems and using the (great) Cygwin unix environement for windows.

Mac OS X

You can download and build liquidsoap using either


Liquidsoap is available in FreeBSD using the port system.


AAC+ (also called HE-AAC) is a method to lower the bit rate of AAC (LC-AAC) while maintaining the audio fidelity. There’s a really good paper from the makers of AAC+ here.
Seeing how I just set up ampache, and I have low upstream bandwidth, I decided to get AAC+ going. It was a little bit tricky, but works very well now.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Easy Traffic Shaping in Cisco IOS

If you followed my recent Cisco Catalyst rate-limiting post, you already know that policing traffic on a Cisco Catalyst switch requires a bit of thought. Mainly, you have to do a bit of calculating to determine the best bucket size for your application. The good news is that achieving the same affect on a Cisco IOS-based router is much easier.
You can enable shaping on an interface (or sub-interface) in three easy steps. Just remember: class, policy, interface.

IOS Embedded Packet Capture

Tired of setting up SPAN sessions? Need to do some packet analysis? Since IOS 12.4(20)T Cisco has made Embedded Packet Capture (EPC) available. EPC is a powerful troubleshooting tool that allows engineers to capture packets inside a Cisco router which can be essential in many troubleshooting scenarios.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Test Your ISP

In May 2007, Comcast began engaging in protocol-specific interference with the activities of its subscribers. When confronted by users and by EFF, Comcast responded with denials and answers that told less than the whole story. In October 2007, however, after independent testing by the Associated Press and EFF, it became clear that Comcast was, in fact, interfering with BitTorrent, Gnutella, and potentially other common file sharing protocols employed by millions of Internet users. In specific, Comcast was injecting forged RST packets into TCP communications, in an effort to disrupt certain protocols commonly used for file-sharing. The interference efforts were triggered by the protocol that the subscriber used, not by the number of connections made or amount of bandwidth used by the subscriber.

After a wave of public outcry, lawsuits, and an FCC proceeding, Comcast eventually anounced that it was planning to phase out discrimination against P2P protocols. We look forward to seeing them do that.

Meanwhile, the Comcast affair inspired us to launch our Test Your ISP project. Our aim is to ensure that the Internet community has the tools and organization to quickly recognize when ISPs engage in interference or protocol discrimination in the future.
At a minimum, consumers deserve a complete description of what they are getting when they buy "unlimited Internet access" from an ISP. Only if they know what is going on and who is to blame for deliberate interference can consumes make informed choices about which ISP to prefer (to the extent they have choices among residential broadband providers) or what counter-measures they might employ. Policy-makers, as well, need to understand what is actually being done by ISPs in order to pierce the evasive and ambiguous rhetoric employed by some ISPs to describe their interference activities.
Accordingly, EFF is developing information and software tools intended to help subscribers test their own broadband connections. We are also collecting information about software and tests being developed by other groups around the world. While these tests initially will require a relatively high degree of technical knowledge, we hope that we will be able to develop tools that will bring these testing efforts within reach of more subscribers.
This web page will collect EFF's white papers, software tools, blog entries, and other materials relating to this ongoing project. We are also maintaining a list of known ISP testing projects:

Known ISP Testing Software

ToolActive / Passive# Participants per TestPlatformProtocolsNotes
GeminiActive(?)BilateralBootable CD?Uses pcapdiff
GlasnostActive1.5 sidedJava appletBitTorrent
ICSI NetalyzrActive1.5 sidedJava applet + some javascriptFirewall characteristics, HTTP proxies, DNS environment
ICSI IDSPassive0 sided (on the network)IDSForged RSTsNot code users can run
Google/New AmericaMeasurementLabActive2 sidedPlanetLab (server), Any (client)AnyA server platform for others' active testing software
NDTActive1.5 sidedJava applet / native appTCP performanceA sophisticated speed test
Network Neutrality CheckActive1.5 sidedJava appletNo real tests yetReal tests forthcoming here ;discussion here
NNMAPassiveUnilateral(currently) Windows appAny
pcapdiff / tpcatEitherBilateralPython appAnyA tool to make manual tests easier. EFF is no longer working on pcapdiff, but development continues with the tpcat project.
SwitzerlandPassiveMultilateralPortable Python appAnySneak preview release just spots forged/modified packets
Web TripwiresPassive1.5 sidedJavascript embedHTTPMust be deployed by webmasters

EFF's Test Your ISP Software
EFF has released Version Zero of Switzerland, our sophisticated ISP testing software. Switzerland uses a semi-P2P, server-and-many-clients architecture to detect modified or spoofed traffic between multiple clients. You can learn more about Switzerland here.
The Test Your ISP project previously released a much simpler piece of software called pcapdiff. Pcapdiff is a simple command line tool that lets you compare "pcap" packet captures from either end of an Internet communication; it reports when packets are dropped and spoofed between the endpoints ("pcap" packet captures can be recorded with standard packet sniffing tools like tcpdump and wireshark). Running tests with pcapdiff is a technically involved process; we have a whitepaper outlining the steps involved.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

network publication

A Block-Based Network File System
Automated Event Detection for Active Measurement Systems
0657.420Y - Design and Implementation of a Bluetooth Repeater System
A remote ATM network monitoring system
A simulation study of network architectures to support HTTP Traffic on Symmetric high-bandwidth*delay circuits
Active Measures to Maintain a Healthy Network
An Overview of Link-Level Measurement Techniques for Wide-Area Wireless Networks
An introduction to the NLANR AMP project for HPC sites
Analysis collaborations for active measurement
Analysis of ICMP Quotations
Analysis of Long Duration Traces
Analysis of Voice Over IP Traffic
Analysis of internet delay times
Balancing Cost and Utility in Active Monitoring: The AMP example
COMP420 Report: IPv6 in Embedded Microcontrollers
COMP420-05Y - A Rapidly Deployable Wireless Networking System
COMP420Y - Architecture and Trial Implementation of a Performance Testing Framework
COMP420Y - High Quality Video Conferencing
COMP420Y - Network Simulation Cradle
COMP420Y - Topology Management In Rooftop Wireless Networks
Classifying Daily Patterns In Long Duration Network Traces
Comparative measurement of QoS on the trans-Pacific Internet
Congestion control advancements in Linux
Current Techniques for Measuring and Modeling ATM Traffic
Dag - a cell capture board for ATM measurement systems.
Design of a Processor to Support the Teaching of Computer Systems
Design principles for accurate passive measurement
Duplicate Packets in an IP Trace
Estimating Bandwidth from Passive Measurement Traces
Extracting Application Objects from TCP Packet Traces
Flow Clustering Using Machine Learning Techniques
High Performance Simulation for ATM Network Development
High Performance Simulation for ATM Network Development Appendix A: Cell Level Measurements of ATM-25 Traffic
High Performance Simulation for ATM Network Development Appendix B: Conservative Parallel Simulation of ATM Networks
High Precision Timing in Passive Measurements of Data Networks
High precision traffic measurement
High precision traffic measurement by the WAND research group
IP Measurement Protocol
IPMP: IP Measurement Protocol
Identifying IPv6 Network Problems in a Dual-Stack World
Improving Mobile IPv6 Performance Across Handovers
Improving the performance of HTTP over high bandwidth-delay product circuits
Inferring and Debugging Path MTU Discovery Failures
Measured Comparative Performance of TCP Stacks
Measured Comparative Performance of TCP Stacks (Poster)
Measurement of Internet delay times
Measurement of voice over IP traffic
Measuring ATM traffic. Final report for New Zealand Telecom
NLANR Active measurement project (AMP)
Network Simulation of IP and ATM over IP using a Discrete Event Simulator
Network performance visualization: insight through animation
Nonintrusive and Accurate Measurement of Unidirectional Delay and Delay Variation on the Internet
On the output process from a finite buffer with long range dependent input
Packet Delay and Loss at the Auckland Internet Access Path
Passive Calibration of an Active Measurement System
Path Diagnosis with IPMP
Performance of a conservative simulator of ATM networks
Performance, validation and testing with the Network Simulation Cradle
Precision Timestamping of Network Packets
Reducing US/NZ Web Page Latencies
Review of Bandwidth Estimation Techniques
Segmentation of Internet Paths for Capacity Estimation
Sensitivity Analysis of Event Driven Simulation Results
Short Term Behaviour of Ping Measurements
Simulation with Real World Network Stacks
Static virtualisation of C source code
Storage and bandwidth requirements for passive Internet header traces
The Auckland data set: an access link observed
The Dag: an ATM measurement board
The LRU* WWW proxy cache document replacement algorithm
The NLANR AMP project
The NLANR NAI Network Analysis Infrastructure
The Naïve Programmer's Guide to ATM_TN
The effect of multiplexing HTTP connections over asymmetric high bandwidth-delay product circuits
Towards Improving Packet Probing Techniques
Traffic on the Internet - A study of Internet games
Using Simple Per-Hop Capacity Metrics to Discover Link Layer Network Topology
Using custom hardware and simulation to support computer systems teaching
Using multinomial mixture models to cluster Internet traffic
Validating the Simulator
Validation of simulated real world TCP stacks
Validation of the WAND simulator through comparison with laboratory tests
Voice over IP: the impact of RSVP
WAND project at University of Waikato
WIFI Location Determination System Investigation
Wide virtual time with application to parallel discrete event simulation and the HLA RTI
Application Flow Control in YouTube Video Streams
The RIPE NCC Internet Measurement Data Repository
Distributed OpenGL Rendering in Network Bandwidth Constrained