Monday, September 6, 2010

Traffic Shaping (Explanation 1)

The most fundamental question is why is it necessary traffic regulation or traffic shaping?

1. You use your home office speedy to three computers. You do not need traffic shapping.
2. You use FastNet 384 kbps at home for three computers. You do not need traffic shapping.
3. If your users and your bandwidth is a little big, tell your users 100, 8 Mbps symmetris your bandwidth, you seem to not need traffic shaping (especially if it's also debatable use voip or video conferencing).
4. If your users only one to five people can say you do not need traffic shaping, because your bandwidth is still sufficient to serve your users. But what if your users more than 15 people and each perform a remote ssh connection, in addition to browse and download. You could say you'll have a problem, if you do not shape traffic to upload and create policy for your downlink. I experienced it myself with about 60 users of bandwidth-hungry.
5. Maintain low latency for interactive traffic. This means that the process of downloading and uploading should not disturb SSH, telnet and the like. It is the most important. With a latency of 200ms is enough to make working with SSH very uncomfortable.
6. Keeping the user can still browse the internet with a comfortable speed while doing the uploading or downloading.
7. Ensuring that the upload process does not compromise the process of downloading and vice versa. Please understand that there is a big queue at the device like a cable modem or ADSL modem will make uploading, downloading and interactive traffic will play each other each other.
In my previous article, I gave the script to perform traffic shaping in openSUSE (well, also for other Linux distributions). Now I will explain what the intent of the script. When was the first time to learn tc, ip, and HTB I realized that this was the most difficult.

# /etc/init.d/mebwshaper_eth1
# Provides:          mebwshaper_eth1
# Required-Start:    $network
# Should-Start:
# Required-Stop:
# Should-Stop:
# Default-Start:     3 5
# Default-Stop:      0 1 2 6
# Short-Description: Custom bandwidth shaping by
# Description:       Custom bandwidth shaping by
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